Shlomo Scali Cohen

The Syrian Jews at Shaare Zion of Great Neck have a dynamic leader in Rabbi Shlomo Scali Cohen. Born in Melia, he and his wife Raquel were Hebrew school teachers in Malaga, when Rabbi Kassin met Cohen and convinced him to study at the SSC in Israel for the rabbinate. While in Israel, Rabbi Cohen taught Chumash to the Spanish students, as well as a program in practical rabbinics.

Completing his studies in 1991, Rabbi Cohen served in Barcelona, Tormelinos and later in Seattle at Ezra BeIsaroth Congregation. In Great Neck, Rabbi Cohen says the decorum of the synagogue has improved a lot, there is a well- established schedule of classes, shiurim, and the synagogue attracts Israelis and Persians as well as many young couples. The congregation is full on Shabbat, as people walk from all over to hear his magnificent voice.