GOLDEN LEAVES aspires to expose the young Jewish entrepreneurs to the newest trends in international business. The study of languages or short internships abroad allows direct knowledge and contact with the source of production, bypassing the needs for intermediaries. A more profound knowledge’s of new countries and cultures opens doors for unforeseen opportunities, such as selling to China, not just buying from them. All these while keeping the Emunah that HaShem is the source of success and that success is shared with peers and the business person’s good name is their most precious capital.
GOLDEN LEAVES aspires to teach business skills to those engaged in the world of Torah and teaching the principles of Torah to those engaged in the world of business. Fulfilling the maxim of our Rabbis in Pirqe abot: יפה תלמוד תורה עם דרך ארץ the integration of Torah with a descent source of parnasa (livelihood).
GOLDEN LEAVES wants to train and educate the next generation of Jews to be successful Jewish businessmen with Emunah, kindness and integrity. They will become, B’H, the future leaders of Jewish communities.
For more information, please go here.